|Registration| Odisha Mission Shakti 2024: Application Form PDF, Eligibility

Odisha Mission Shakti:- The Government of Odisha has started the Odisha Mission Shakti to provide financial assistance and service to women in the state through participation in a self-help group and federation. This program is a financial inclusion effort that will empower women in self-help groups with access to institutional loans to enhance long-term livelihood. … Read more

Gangadhar Mehar Shiksha Manakbuddhi Yojana 2024: Apply Online

Gangadhar Mehar Shiksha Manakbuddhi Yojana:- As everyone is aware, Mr. Naveen Patnaik, the chief minister of Odisha, created several programs, scholarships, and Yojana for the benefit of their residents or students. The government of Odisha has launched a new program for students called the Gangadhar Meher Sikhya Manakbrudhi Yojana 2024. The pupils will be given free … Read more

E Pauti Odisha: Pay Land Revenue Online, Khajana Payment, Rent Receipt

E Pauti Odisha:- The central government launched the “Digital India” campaign to encourage digitalization throughout the nation. The state of Odisha’s administration has adopted a similar strategy by digitizing all of its many services and initiatives. The creation of the e-Pauti Odisha Portal is one such endeavor. The portal was created with the express purpose … Read more

PMAY Gramin List Odisha 2024 में नाम देखें, प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना ग्रामीण लिस्ट ओडीशा

PMAY Gramin List Odisha जारी कर दी गई है। यदि आप प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना ग्रामीण के तहत ओडिशा राज्य की लिस्ट में देखना चाहते हैं तो आपको pmayg.nic.in आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा। PMAY ग्रामीण सूची में उन सभी लाभार्थियों के नाम हैं जिनको प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना के तहत लाभ मिलेगा। यदि आप Pradhan Mantri … Read more

|Beneficiary List| Harischandra Sahayata Yojana 2024: Online Apply, Form Pdf

Harischandra Sahayata Yojana:- As you are all aware, many residents around the country are unable to carry out the last wishes of their families owing to financial constraints. The Government of Odisha has launched the Harischandra Sahayata Yojana to help all of these people. The last rite rites will be performed with financial support under … Read more